Java 8 new properties

Java 8 Lambdas: Functional Programming For The Masses by Richard Warburton gives a short, concise and surprisingly good coverage of how Java 8 lambdas (or “closures”) work and intended to be used, with focus on simplified and safer parallelism. In later context, also gives nice overview of emerging “reactive programming” and event-driven frameworks like Vert.x.

This blog summerizes some notes about the new properties in Java 8. It is a reading note of the book ‘Java 8 Lambdas: Functional Programming for Masses’. The content links are shown below.

1. [Lambda Expressions](./)
2. [Stream]()
3. [Libraries]()
4. [Advanced Collector]()
5. [Data Parallelism]()
6. [Test, Debug and Refactor]()
7. [The Principle of Design and Architect]()